Welcome to our tutorials on how to use botbowl. These resources are sufficient to get you started developing a Blood Bowl bot.
Getting Started
Scripted Bots
- Scripted Bots I: Getting Started
- Scripted Bots II: Pathfinding and Probabilities
- Scripted Bots III: Formations
Reinforcement Learning
- Reinforcement Learning I: OpenAI Gym Environment
- Reinforcement Learning II: A2C
- Reinforcement Learning III: The Full Board
- Reinforcement Learning IV: Self-play
- Reinforcement Learning V: Pathfinding-assistance
Search-based Bots
- Forward Model I: The Forward Model
- Forward Model II: Search-based Bots
- Forward Model III: Monte Carlo Tree Search
If you find any problems or have questions as you go through the tutorials, please report an issue on https://github.com/njustesen/botbowl/. You are also welcome to join the discussions on our https://discord.gg/MTXMuae.